ArtRise Award
Contemporary Art Award
ArtRise Award 2023
Tema 2023
Following on from last year’s edition with its challenging question about what is useful or futile, this new edition takes the conversation a step further, leading us to delve deeper into something that is both immaterial and concrete, something we are all subject to and go through: time.
In this third Artrise edition, artists are called to think about and develop artworks about the somewhat ephemeral but very present value of time. A theme touching everyone, faced daily, and yet the difference lies in ‘how’ we face it. The worth we attach to time, even if concealed, provides an important key to our existential human journey.
How we value time and how we use it are the cornerstones surrounding this year’s 2023 theme. A challenge for artists to showcase through their artworks, what is invisible but inexorably real and material.
The starting points around this topic could be many; we started as always from a universal principle taken from the Bible found in the book of Psalms.
“Teach us therefore to number our days well, to acquire a heart of wisdom.”
BibleCode Sl 90.12
In keeping with this principle, we believe today more than ever, it is vital and urgent to learn to count time, to recognize and value it.
The winner will be selected during the Collective Show of artists chosen by the jury.
The winner will have:
1) the opportunity to have a solo exhibition at OAH, curated by Monica Cremaschi, and be up for consideration to exhibit at Shazaar Gallery in Naples.
2) thanks to our collaboration with Officinarkitettura srl, the possibility to meet with its managers and creative directors, to put forward their own project for the creation of a wallpaper that will become part of the company’s “monograph” catalogue dedicated to artists.
The Panel of Judges are : Monica Cremaschi, founder of OAH, Leonardo Porcelli architect , Valeria Fondi author of the SVA artistic manifesto ”Il linguaggio del Cielo”, Mara Risitano and Matteo Mo artists and founders of Ensemble S139, Giorgio Buratti and Andrea Bernagozzi founders and owners of Officinarkitettura, Giuseppe Compare owner of Shazar Gallery in Naples, Marianna Foglia collector, Luciano Caggianello, artist and designer
how to participate
To take part in the Artrise award, the candidate, upon submission of all the requested material, will pay a non-refundable registration fee of 25€
PHASE 1: DEADLINE 30th June 2023 at 23.58, only via the form on this page.
Send: registration receipt, photos of the artwork (max 3 photos) + all requested documents listed on the Open Call form, downloadable at the bottom of the page.
Please send ALL the material in a SINGLE ZIP FILE (max 20MG).
Photos must be JPG format with a maximum resolution of 72 dpi. Please check they are clearly legible, not pixelated.
Payment method: PayPal, SatisPay or Bank Transfer to OAH l Open Art House
IBAN IT91 I060 9030 5400 0000 1001 080.
By the end of September, the names of the Collective Show finalists, taking part in the exhibition on December 2nd, will be communicated. We will send an email and post the news on our website and social media channels.
PHASE 2: Finalists taking part in the Collective Show must physically send their artworks to the gallery, no earlier than 23rd October and no later that 9th November. IMPORTANT: please contact the gallery to fix the delivery date!
PHASE 3: The Opening Day of the Collective Show and the award ceremony for the ARTRISE 2023 winner. Please note that all finalists are required to attend.
• Receipt of registration fee
• Signed Rules & Regulations
• Personal details as requested on form. Also please attach a copy of your identity document
• Image of artwork, maximum 3 angles
• Artwork details: size including frame/ or support, type of art medium and a description of how it connects to the theme
• B/W photo of the artist
For any further info or enquiries please contact:
€25 payment by bank transfer made out to Open Art House
IBAN IT91 I060 9030 5400 0000 1001 080
27€ PayPal
25€ Satispay
Attach the receipt in the documentation.

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