Finalists ArtRise 2023
Open Art House, together with the jury, is pleased to announce the finalists of the third edition of the ArtRise Prize. This year, from all the nominations, they have selected the following 13 artists’ works, which will make up the group exhibition that will be inaugurated on December 2nd in Ivrea at the OAH Gallery House.
Alessandro Lando con Fiori Recisi
Alexandra Marinova con Presenza_Assenza
Antonio Delluzio con Lo spazio e il tempo
Chiara Girardi/ La Chigi con Let’us play
Daniele Cornacchia con Tempo
Giulia Osella con 22:22
Karen Fabbro con Percorsi di vita
Luce Resinanti con Ad eterno oblio
Michele Amato con Se avessi avuto piĆ¹ tempo
Nicola Bertellotti con Cronoestesia
Pieragnela Franzoni con Prendersi il proprio tempo
Raffaella Romano con Liquid Sun
Sandra Baruzzi con Architetture effimere dell’esilio
The Art Rise Prize is a biennial award that started in 2019 and is now in its third edition. The artists were asked to reflect and develop works around the theme “HOW MUCH IS TIME WORTH? (BibleCode Sl 90.12).
Congratulations to the 13 finalists and thanks to all who participated!